Blog or Flog
Been reading at Writer's Block and Brown Stone as usual. These two venues offer an ever-changing dynamic. If you're a writer in Columbus, Ohio, you must visit at least one of them. Visit the calendar page at for listings of poetry events in Columbus.
Former national team members squared off against this year's national team at Writer's Block a couple of weeks ago. Old school vs. new school slam--and the old school won! Hoorah! Now the old school just needs to get back into shape for next year's competitions. (The new alternating-years rule kept us from competing for the team this year, but next year is open again.)
Read Friday night at the first-ever "First Friday's" poetry reading in Coshocton, Ohio. Nice crowd. First exposure for poetry in that venue, and coordiantor Mark Hersman of Mansfield did a nice job with it. If you live near Coshocton, I highly recommend it. First Friday of every money at the Serenity Tea House in downtown Coshocton. 7:00 p.m.
Good feedback from my CD today from Roger Lehman, and singer-songwriter who was at the Coshocton event. He called me "a shy, gentle atomic bomb." News to the front: "Pressure Switch" is "intoxicating." I am sittin' and grinnin'. And very honored.
My next reading is September 14 at Liberty Books for the opening of "The Rattlebox," yet another new poetry venue in Columbus. I believe this one meets on second Thursday of each month.
Submittals are going slowly. I just don't seem to be getting the work out of editors. I'm working on that. Beginning today: Must submit poems to at least two publishers per week. If I don't report at least two submittals a week here on my blog, you have permission to verbally FLOG me. Get it? Blog or flog!
Okay. That's all for now.